Konferans: İki Dünya Savaşı Arasında Romanya’daki Kırım Tatar Milli Hareketi

EMEL FİKİR -KÜLTÜR Konferansları

Konuşmacı: Dr. Melek Fetislâm
Konu: İki Dünya Savaşı Arasında Romanya’daki Kırım Tatar Milli Hareketi

17 Ocak 2021, Pazar.

Saat: 13.00 (TSI / GMT+3)

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Melek Fetislâm Romanya’nın Cluj-Napoca şehrindeki  Babeş Bolyai Üniversitesinin Türkoloji Enstitüsünde öğretim görevlisi olarak çalışmaktadır.

Melek hanım Bükreş Üniversitesinde Prof. Dr Tahsin Cemil danışmanlığında aynı konuda doktora tezi hazırlamış olup, kitap yakın zamanda Bükreş’te neşredilecektir

Melek Fetislâm iyi derecede Kırım Tatarca, Romence, Türkçe, Fransızca, İngilizce ve Almanca bilmektedir.


2010-2017: Doktora. Magna cum laude (Üstün başarı derecesi ile), Babeş-Bolyai Universitesi – Tarih ve Felsefe Fakültesi,  Tarih-Medeniyet-Kültür
Tez konusu: İki Dünya Savaş Arasında Romanya’daki Tatar Millî Hareketi
Danışman : Prof. Dr. Tasin CEMIL

1991-1992: Yüksek Lisans: Bükreş Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fransız ve Romen Dili Edebiyatı.

1987-1991: Lisans: Bükreş Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fransız ve Romen Dili Edebiyatı.


1.”The Fruitfull Collaboration between Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver, Turkish Ambassador to
Bucharest and the Leader of the Tatar National Movement in Romania, Müstecib Haci Fazıl”
in vol. Relatiile româno-turce in perioada modernă– Romanian-Turkish Connections in
modern times (140 years of diplomacy between Turkey and Romania), University Press from
Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, 2020, in work.

2. “The role of the Islamic clergy in sustaining the Tatar national movement from Romania in
the interwar period”, The Publishing House of the National Council for the Study of
Securitate Archives , C.N.S.A.S Notebooks, ISSN: 1884-6560 year IX, no.1-2 (17-18), 2017.

3. “Turkish – Tatars from Romania during the government of Ion Antonescu – archivist
guiding marks” in Tradition, History, Army volume, The Publishing House of „King
Ferdinand I”National Military Museum, Bucharest, 2015, volume II.

4. “Secret Document Regarding the Tatar National Movement in Romania” in Studia et
Documenta Turcologica, volume 2/2014.
5” Karadeniz” Publication of the Turkish- Tatar community from Dobrogea –window to the
entire Turkish world”, in “The Danube and the Black Sea in the Euro-Asian space” volume.
History, political relation and diplomacy, Craiova, 2014
6. “Dobroudja in Romanian archives (1597-1989).To Professor Stoica Lascu at 60 years” in
Studia et Documenta Turcologica”, volume 2/2014

6. “Education and Identity Assertion of the Tatars in the Russian Empire (The Mid–19th
–Early 20th)” in the volume Contemporary Research in Turkology and Eurasian Studies. A
Festschrift in Honor of Professor Tasin GEMIL on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday,
University Press from Cluj, ISBN 978-973-595-622-6, Cluj-Napoca, 2013.
7. Chronology of Tatar minority in the volume Chronology of national minorities from
Romania, volume II, Macedonians, Polishes, Lippovan Russians, Ruthenes, Serbians, Tatars
and Turkish, The Publishing House of the Institute for Studying the Problems of National
Minorities, ISBN 978-606-8377-08-07, Cluj-Napoca, 2013.
8. “Djadidism of Ismail Bey Gaspıralı in Dobrogea” in volume The Historical Heritage of
Tatars. Tatar, History, Culture and Civilization, Series, II, The Publishing House of the
Romanian Academy, ISBN 979-973-27-2207-7, Bucharest, 2012.
9. “Discourse of Identity Among the Tatars in Dobrogea”, History Research, David
Publishing House , ISSN 2159-550X, June 2012, volume 2, no.6.
10. “Perspective of modern didactics, Spiru Haret and the Muslim Seminar from Medgidia”,
Spiru Haret – Fundamental landmarks’ volume, Interartes Press, Constanţa, 2012.
11.Chronology of the Tatar minority in Romania(1989-2009)


1.The Tatar National Movement in the interwar Romania, The Publishing House of the
National Council for the Study of Securitate Archives ( CNSAS), ISSN :1844-6560, 2020’de yayınlanacak.
2. Contemporary Research in Turkology and Eurasian Studies. A Festschrift in Honor of
Professor Tasin GEMIL on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, University Press from Cluj,
Cluj-Napoca, 2013, Stoica LASCU and Melek FETISLEAM-editors.

1. First Training School on Non-Teritorial Autonomy, European Non-Teritorial Autonomy
Network, University of Southern Denmark , Universität Flensburg and ECMI-European
Centre for Minority Issues , 9-11 september 2020, Flensburg & Sønderborg.
2 The Fruitfull Collaboration between Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver, Turkish Ambassador to
Bucharest and the Leader of the Tatar National Movement in Romania, Müstecib Haci Fazâl
paper presented at the International Conference-140 years of diplomacy between Turkey and
Romania, organised from Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilisation,
Babes-Bolyai University, Embassy of Turkey in Romania, TIKA Romania, Institute of
Turkology and Central Asian- Studies, 25 september 2018, Bucharest.
3.The Tatar minority in the archives of C.N.S.A.S, communication presented at the National
Congress of Romanian Historians, 25-28th August 2016, event organized from Babeş-Bolyai
University, Cluj –Napoca in partnership with the Romanian Academy – the Center of
Transylvanian Studies and the National Committee of the Romanian Historians.
4. The role of culture in sustaining the Tatar national movement from Romania in the interwar period- communication presented at the „Tatar Culture” Conference from Qulali (1183-
1240) to Jamala (Eurovision 2016 Winner) organized by Babeş-Bolyai University and the
Institute of Turkology and Central-Asian Studies at Cluj-Napoca on 9th June 2016.
5. Identity landmarks of the Tatar minority after 1989, paper presented at „Culture and mass
media in the European space” International Conference with the theme „Mass media of ethnic
minorities from Romania”, Galaţi, 27-28th May 2016, organized by „Dunărea de Jos „
University from Galaţi in collaboration with „V.A. Urechia” County Library, the Romanian
History Association of the mass media, Union of Francophone mass media – Romanian
Section, the Association of Historians from Moldova Republic, The Society of Historical
Sciences from Romania, the Cultural Institute of Romanians from Voivodina (Serbia).

6. Romanya Tatarlarında Millî Uyanış Hareketi ( The Tatar National Movement in
Romania), communication held at the International Conference Ismail Bey Gaspıralı, Istanbul
15-18th May 2015 : 18 Mayis 1944 Kırım Sürgünü 71 yil anma programi. Devletlerarasi
Kırım Sürgün ve Ismail Bey Gaspıralı Kongresi, event organized by the University from

7. Identity affirmation of the Tatars from Dobrogea in the inter-war period, communication
held at the International Symposium of Balkan Studies. Cultural, linguistic and political
interferences in the Balkan space. The role of Turkish language, III International Symposium
on Balkan History Studies, 22-26th April 2015, Bucharest. Event organized by the
International Symposium on Balkan History Studies Committee (UBTAS) in collaboration
with Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Academy of Romanian Scientists and The Otttoman
Heritage and Turkish Cultural Research Association.
8. Romen gizli polis belgelerinde Tatar Milli Hareketi ( The Tatar National Movement in
Romania in the secret documents from the archives of C.N.S.A.S.), paper presented at the
International Conference Kırım tarihi ve kültürel mirasın ögrenim ve korunmasının aktual
problemlerı 30th October -1st November 2015, Bagcesaray, event organized by the Academy
of Sciences of Tatarstan Republic in partnership with the Institute of History Shihabeddin
Mercani from Kazan.
9. Considerations on the national movement at the Tatars from Crimea, paper presented at the
round table with the theme „Identity construction at the Turkish and Tatars from Dobrogea,
organized by the Institute for Studying the Problems of National Minorities, Cluj-Napoca, in
collaboration with the Museum of National History and Archeology from Constanţa and the
Institute of Turkology and Central-Asian Studies, Cluj-Napoca, 10th October 2014.
10. Multiculturalism in Dobrogea( Romania)-The Tatars in Dobrogea, communication held at
the International Scientific Conference Contemporary Challenges of Multiculturalism and
Language Policies, 16-17 May 2014, Organized by the Scientific Institute “Max van der
Stoel” South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia.

11. The Tatar Minority in Romania after 1989 – Identity Policies, communication held at the
VI International Student Conference “Politics & Society in Central and Eastern Europe”, 25
Years Of Democratic Changes in Central and Eastern Europe, Wrocław, Poland-12.05.2014).
12. „KARADENIZ-THE BLACK SEA” Publication of the Tatar community from Romania –
window to the entire Turkish world, work presented at the National Session of Scientific
Communications of the Marine Museum „The Danube and the Black Sea in the European –
Asian space. History. Political Relations and Diplomacy”- edition XVII, Constanţa, 17-19th
October 2013.
13. Dobruca Tatarlarında Milli Hareketin başlangici (The beginning of the national
movement at the Tatars from Dobrogea), communication held at the International Conference
„Historical Heritage of the Tatars”, 3rd edition, Eskişehir, Turkey, 9-11th October 2013.
14. Identity –alterity in the mass media from the Turkish language (Tatar) from Dobrogea,
work held at the International Symposium „The Turkish Cultural Heritage in Dobroudja”,
Constanţa, 24-25th September, 2013.

15. EMEL” Publication –nucleus of the elites of the Tatar community from Dobrogea in the
interwar period, National History Congress of the mass media, Cultural Elite and Mass
Media, VIth edition, Bucharest, 18-20th April 2013, in organizing the Romanian Association  of the History of mass media, the University of Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian
Literature, the Society of Military Writers.

16. Modern didactic landmarks – Spiru Haret and the Muslim Seminar from Medgidia,
communication presented at the National Symposium Spiru Haret- Fundamental landmarks,
Constanţa, 17th November 2012; organizers: the Training Regional Center for Counseling and
Mediation in the Management of Change Association and InterArtes Press in partnership
with: County Inspectorate from Constanța, Ovidius University from Constanţa, Spiru Haret
University, „Grigore Antipa” National Institute for Marine Researches from Constanța.
17.Discourse of Identity among the Tatars in Dobroudja, work presented at the Congress of
the Society of Romanian Studies, SRS, Europeanization and Globalization, Sibiu, 2-4
th July 2012.
18. Education, Innovation and Cultural Development on The Silk Road,(XIX-XX centuries ),
communication presented at “The Silk Road-History and Perspectives” International
Conference, Bucharest, 21-23rd June 2012.
19. Identity landmarks at the Tatars from Crimea, work held at the National Session of PhD
students in History, the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University, ClujNapoca, 17-19th May 2012;
20. Self image of the Tatars from Dobrogea, paper presented at „ Islamic factor in the new
geopolitical and safety strategy from Balkans and Southern Caucasus International
Conference organized by the Institute of Turkology and Central-Asian Studies, 17-18th
November 2011, Cluj-Napoca.
21. Considerations on the Muslim Seminar from Babadag/ Medgidia, ISTRO-PONTICA
National Session of Scientific Communications, Tulcea, 28-30th September 2011.

Araştırma Tecrübesi:

23 Nov-20 December 2020-Short Time Scientific Mission at Vienna University in the
framework of the European Non-Territorial Autonomy Project, ECOST CA 18114-47280
STSM Title: Religious and educational autonomy and the emergence of the Tatar National
Movement in the Interwar Romania
Oct 2010 to present- Researcher, Institute of Turkology, Babes-Bolyai University
June 2012-2019 -Peer-reviewer for History Research, David Publishing Company, USA


2017 – Mehmed Niyazi Ödülü – Romanya Kırım Tatar Toplumu ödülü.

2019 Diploma of Excellence awarded by The Center for Regional and Pluralistic Studies
“Transylvania” regarding the promotion of cultural values and the development of interethnic



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